Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Transaksi Debit Tidak Berjaya Tetapi Duit Dalam Akaun Ditolak


Pernahkah anda mengalami situasi seperti diatas?

Anda telah membuat pembayaran melalui debit dari akaun anda, setelah swipe beberapa kali transaksi masih tidak berjaya? Lalu anda membuat pembayaran melalui tunai.
Kemudian hari, anda menyemak baki simpanan anda telah berjaya ditolak.
Kiranya anda telah membuat bayaran 2x iaitu debit yang tidak berjaya dan tunai.

Harini aku nak share macam mana untuk claim balik duit yang telah ditolak oleh pihak bank tanpa perlu beratur panjang di kaunter.

1) Jangan panik!
Call pihak bank bagi memastikan bahawa transaksi telah berjaya atau tidak. Sekiranya berjaya pihak bank akan menasihati anda ke kedai/ butik tersebut untuk pengesahan.

2) Pergi ke butik atau kedai yang anda telah membuat transaksi untuk semakan settlement report pada tarikh kejadian berlaku.
 Aku pergi balik dekat butik yang aku shopping haritu. Bagitahu elok-elok dekat cashier tu pasal masalah yang menimpa dan request nak tengok  settlement report pada hari kejadian. Situasi aku masa tu takde langsung resit yang menunjukkan aku telah berjaya membuat transaksi dari kad RHB aku tetapi history bank tujuk duit dah berjaya deduct di butik tersebut.
p/s: Jangan lupa untuk snap gambar settlement hari kejadian sebab kat situ ada merchant no. & no manager butik tersebut.

3) Call bank semula.
Dan call semula pihak bank. Masa ni  call RHB customer service seharian tak angkat. Disebabkan tak berangkat aku menghubungi pihak RHB di Twitter dan direct message mereka. Lepastu pihak RHB akan call kita semula. Part ni memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi hahahhahaha.

4) Isi Disputed Form (Borang Wang yang Dipertikai)
Boleh isi disputed form bank masing-masing. Print borang tu, isi manually dan scan or snap gambar semula. Disputed form RHB click here

4) Email report anda.
Email report anda kepada alamat email yang telah diberikan oleh pihak bank. Sertakan maklumat yang pihak bank maklumkan. Seperti kes aku, pihak bank minta full name, ic, card number, report no. dan contact no. Dekat email tu sila attachkan sekali disputed form, settlement report, and receipt transaction by cash.

Truly Thanks to staff Silver Planet Angsana atas kerjasama yang diberikan.
I paid RM 358 for RM179 things heheehehehe.
Masa ni belanja Sofea kasut sekolah sebab dapat 5A 1B in her UPSR
Settlement report masa hari kaejadian sebab kat atas tu ada merchant no. untuk rujukan pihak bank.

Resit transaksi yang membuktikan bahawa saya telah membayar 2 kali pada hari tersebut.
Pihak bank suruh tunggu dalam masa 30 hari untuk mereka selesaikan masalah ini.
Mungkin sebab amount aku tak lah banyak sangat so boleh dapat balik dalam masa 2 minggu.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Pengalaman Internship di Pejabat Pertanian Johor Bahru

Assalamualaikum, harini baru ada kesempatan nak update blog.
Mesti korang tengah cari tempat intern kannnn?
First of all, korang kena amik cakna semua berkaitan intern ni 
sebab nak collect banyak experience  kalau boleh!
Sebelum tu, korang kena rajin-rajinkan diri cari kat website all places yang menawarkan internship?
Kena tahu lokasi, provide salary or not 
( mostly sektor kerajaan korang takkan dapat gaji time intern, but for private sector selalunya ada).
Ada sediakan tempat tinggal ke tak? Dan macam-macam lagi.

Sebab aku pilih intern di Jabatan Pertanian Johor Bahru?
First, front desk dia sangat membantu, baik dan peramah!
All the process is very smooth and easy.
Yang paling penting dia dekat dengan rumah, yelah wei study Sarawak, pastu intern time cuti takkan lah nak intern jejauh, mestilah dekat dengan rumah.
Makan minum takyah risau semua ditanggung beres.
Disebabkan masa aku intern dulu just 10 minggu, so tak demand sangat nak gaji or apa,
just pikir nak tempat intern dekat dengan rumah,
yang paling sis berdoa biar banyak input sis perolehi masa intern,
yang paling penting takyah nak bancuh kopi or teh untuk siapa2 hehehehehhhe

The industrial trainee was done at Johor Bahru Agriculture Department Office for 10 weeks from
3rd July to 8th September 2017. The trainee included the field study of the function and
management of the agriculture department. The project given was a conventional method of vegetable crops.

Fertigasi dan nutripod sistem cili, terung, daun pudina dan lain-lain

Belakang tu yang ada net is the assignment for uitm Jasin students 

Kautsar tengah rajin betulkan pasu.

Pokok rerama pakcik kat tempat intern aku elok rebus buat minum kalau ada kanser.

Yang ni ada corak cantik untuk buat landskap.

Ni task untuk Student Unimas.
Disebabkan kitaorang berlima so kitaorang kena buat lima batas.
Masa ni kitaorang clearing the land.

Seronok sebab hands on pegang cangkul.
Disebabkan fyp aku amik soil.
Time ni aku berlatih pegang cangkul biar tak kekok time fyp.

Encik Mad Noor antara staff yang banyak beri tunjuk ajar kepada kami

Masa ni aku pakai tubular adidas rosak tapak.
Then aku pinjam kat stor boots sape2.
Dinasihatkan pakai Adidas kampung gais!!

Proses letak baja tahi ayam

Nasib baik ada ramai senior yang gagah,
ni antara sorang orang kuat buat batas.

Semua pegang cangkul gais.
Aku berhenti jap kena amik gambar karang takde memori pasal intern

Makan free jangan cakaplah selalu!
Semoga semua staff dan yang selalu bagi makanan masa aku intern haritu
sentiasa dikurniakan kesihatan dan dilimpahkan rezeki yang melimpah ruah.

The perk of being intern student at PPDJB, you always get free foods :)

Ni semua student intern dari Unimas. Aku gan Kwok Fei je tahun 2.
Aizudin, Fahmy & Kautsar tahun 3.
Kiranya time tahun lepas, batch aku start balik intern second year.
Diorang yang tahun 3 nilah last intern tahun akhir pengajian.

Pinjam gambar one of the student UITM Jasin.
All the intern student masa ni , dapat around 10-15 buah pasu gan bekas tempat letak baja
plus baja for the plants.
We got it for free, but you all still can buy it at PPDJB

Pastu time intern haritu, musim orang buat rumah terbuka.
Masyukkk perut den masa tu.

Ketemu sahabat, masa ni Ida intern kat Pejabat Pertanian Segamat.

Dah tumbuh wei haritu yang kitaorang tanam kat lima batas.
Kailan, bayam hijau, bayam merah, sawi, dan sawi jepun.

Jangan lupa baja korang punya tanaman.

Yang asap-asap kat belakang tu bakar sampah nak halau nyamuk.
Baja NPK kitaorang guna.

Seronok petik bayam sebab mudah tumbuh, berminggu-minggu collect tak habis- habis.

Seronok sebab semua penat keringat menghasilkan hasil

Then kitaornag cuci bersih-bersih, timbang dan cek harga semasa.

Pastu bukak khemah depan office time pasar tani.

Students intern kat PPDJB ada yang dari UM, UITM Jasin dan UNIMAS.

Based on my experience intern at PPDJB, Alhamdulillah all is well and smooth.
 Semua staff sangat peramah dan baik-baik belaka. First time, aku pandai buat batas selama ni just tahu berapa kaki panjang gan lebar je. Macam mana perasaan bila tengok apa yang korang tanam tumbuh segar-bugar. How we managed to treat all the disease attacked our vege crops. How we handling to sell all the vege sampai habis licin. End up this intern we got no gaji, but we get a very valuable lesson and the most important we still get pocket money from selling our vegetables crop.

Throughout the training period, I have gained a lot of knowledge in agriculture and plantation, especially oil palm. I was exposed to knowledge related to the conventional method of
vegetable crops from land preparation, seed sowing, proper management, and harvesting. I was also allowed to manage other projects which are fertigation, nutripod, and
hydroponic systems. There are a few advantages that can be obtained throughout the industrial training period, students will be offered the opportunity to work after graduation as they have shown an
excellent potential throughout the training. In addition, systematic program implementation
helps students acquire a wide range of skills and increased knowledge. The existing
relationship between the institutions and the industrial training itself is for mutual benefit. This place is a suitable place for practical training and I am very thankful to all the staff who helped
us during the practical period. In the future, I hope that there will be another cooperation between
both parties. - Sincerely by Farahin 

Friday, December 22, 2017

FieldTrip Ecotourism Rh Manggat, Menyang Taih, Batang Ai, Sarawak

Assalamualaikum and Alhamdulillah still breathing.  
I  have a lot of stories wanna share, but now busy with a lot of things. Now I'm in 3rd year busy doing my final project.

Last Oct, our Ecotourism subject went on the fieldtrip for 3 days 2 nights at Rh Manggat, Menyang Taih located near Aiman Batang Ai Longhouse Resort. The whole journey takes almost 3 hours. We went there by bus, a half-hour by boat.

The significance bout this field trip is The Gaharu Planting Program collaboration of the Forest Department of Sarawak, World Wildlife Fund, Nature Based Ecotourism students of Unimas, and villagers of Rh Manggat.  Alhamdulillah we successfully planted about 700 gaharu trees in 3 hours. 

This experience was very valuable because this was my first time staying at a longhouse.
Mingle with villagers, and learn about their culture, traditional foods, and many.

Better cover your bag! HAHAHAHAH miss this moment!
I am also getting a lot of  splash water coz I sit in front

Need to ride a boat. Yahooo! First time riding a narrow boat.

Arrived but we still needed to walk less than 10 minutes before reaching Rh Manggat.

Too many slopes and the pedestrians sometimes slippery 

Love this culture very much.
Where ladies will cook, while men will serve the guests.
Variety of traditional foods. 
Their rice is originally planted by villagers of Rh Manggat.
Their rice is a little bit different from the rice that you buy from the supermarket.

Leisure time with beloved friends and villagers.

My happy time of course!

Everyone is so focused!
Day 2- Mission planted Gaharu tree as much as we can!
Ride a boat bout 5 minutes to reach the area planting.

The scenery 

Before start planting 700 gaharu trees 

The officer of the Sarawak Forest Department taught me the correct method to plant the Gaharu tree.
Syakir very enthusiastic person
Tied all the trees with a ribbon

Yes, we did it! 700 gaharu trees in 3 hours.
Well done guys!

Regain back energy with barbecue

At night, tradition to celebrate the guest with a drink of 'tuak'
Lily representatives to all women, Thanks!
Day 3- In the morning jungle trekking.
A lot of species you can found there.

Longhouse view from the top

View at night

Need to plan to come here again in the future to see our Gaharu whether it grows well or not.

Those newlyweds can come here for a fresh honeymoon.

The ecotourism team hope all of us get A's in the final

They are very adorable.
Respect with them how they struggle to go to school.
In early age, they need to stay at the boarding school. Only come home during weekends or holidays.
While me at this age, stay in front of the TV watching a lot of cartoons.

This toilet is called international coz men and ladies share the toilet and shower.
BTW the water is really cold in the morning because it comes from the mountain

Inside of longhouse. Each door represents one family.
But all of them are related to each other.
Men sleep in the living hall, while ladies will sleep inside hehehehh.

One of the products is Gaharu tea

Sad to go back to Unimas

With my mom. I helped her to sell a few 'tikar mengkuang' before going back.


I can't imagine how they transport all the furniture to their longhouse.
A lot of things I gained from here, I can't describe by words.
We should be grateful for how we live right now. 
Play hard, Study hard, Pray hard
InsyaaAllah you can achieve something in your life.

"The most important thing from the planting is the objective of forest conservation. Through the deal between villagers and Forest Department, other parts of the forest will not be disturbed to preserve the wildlife in that area especially Oran utan and their subsistence cost will be supported through the project. Thus, this project can protect and restore the biodiversity of the species. Furthermore, these projects can provide a wide range of source economic and social benefits to humankind and to the country. These include contributions to the overall economy for example through employment, processing, and trade of forest products and energy and investments in the forest sector include the hosting and protection of sites" - From our ecotourism reflection report

Credit: Some pic were taken from Irene's FB :)